5 Tips To Get 1st Order On Fiverr

5 Tips To Get 1st Order On Fiverr

Today I am going to share a total of eight tips with you. There are four tips that you have to follow on your Fiverr profile and four tips that you have to follow outside the Fiverr profile. If you apply these tips then inshallah you will see that within a few days, your impressions will also be boosted, your customer’s queue will also start increasing and you will inshallah take your first order but for that it is necessary. Read the entire article, make notes, and apply these things, the idea is nothing but execution mandatory, only then you will execute these things. You have to work on these things by taking free time and not by making notes. So execute logically.


1. Profile Optimization.

Your Fiverr profile should be properly optimized Good profile picture aligned with your Profile description aligned with your Experience portfolio and education. Your photo must match with your face. Nowadays, in the market, there are such couples whose faces do not match with each other, but if you want to become a successful Fiverr topper, then your profile description, your experience, and your education should all be important. The thing should be aligned, you should have a waist-optimized profile.

2. Right Category Selection

You are selecting the right category is very important in 2024. If you want to become successful on Fiverr freelancer, if you have selected a category, a niche where there is a lot of saturation, and a lot of ready-made gimmicks are created, then the chances of getting your orders. You are sitting dependent on the above and have chosen such a category. There is already a lot of competition in this. Then you will struggle there. So, find the right niche that has low competition. This is also very important. I am not here to suggest that you change your skill set. What I am saying is that you should go and find all the niche areas within your skills in which there is demand as well as competition.

3. Keyword Research

For the keyword research, you want to create on Fiverr account, first of all, you have found a good niche. Now the next most important part is keyword research. Whenever you have searched anything on Google, How many times have you visited the second page? Rarely, no one goes. Similarly, fiver also works like a search engine. Whenever someone wants to search on Fiverr, Then he tries to find out front page freelancer of Fiverr. Now it is very difficult to go to the second page that often.
But if he had gone, brother would have been third, fourth, fifth, eighth, tenth, page. If it is yours, then think about what effect it will have on you. That’s why you don’t get impressions, if you don’t get impressions then you won’t get clicks, if you don’t get clicks then orders won’t come either. So for this reason it is very important to have your gig on the first page and it plays a very important role in it.

Canva Pro

4. Professional Profile On Fiverr

If you are doing less on this professionalism on Fiver than Brother Professional, we will have to show you, note just work on Fiverr, you are working on any business marketplace, super professional. Your communication should be top-notch, and you should be committed to your client if we talk specifically about Fiverr then you will have to spend time on the platform, there is one thing that is very important and the most important thing is to talk to any Fiverr freelancer. If you do this, he will give you that brother, you should stay online as much as possible on whatever platform you use, if you stay more on desktop instead of mobile, then it will help you a lot.

One gets a boost and another big advantage of this is that whenever someone searches anything on Fiverr, he gets a filter there. From here they can find out who clicks on online sellers at this time and of course, there are some top-rated ones too. It was on the first page, brother. He will be removed from there if he is online. For this reason, this filter can prove to be very helpful for a new person in getting orders. But then if he is loyal to that platform and is on the phone and sitting there, he should reply to the message as soon as it comes.

Now let’s talk about the next four tips

If you want to apply to Fiverr outside then tip number 1 for that is personal branding. Now what have you done in personal branding? You created content related to your skills. Now whatever you reduce, post related video images. Social platform. Above and beyond the media platform, your motive should not be that I want to generate followers, rather your motive behind it should be that I should tell people what I know.


Make Your Value On Social Media

To add value, upload the best content there. If you are an editor, you can start your channel and make videos. Now they are giving value to you people through their platform and they will help you in two ways – number 1, They will be sold directly to you. People will directly approach you to get it reduced.
And you will see that the price you will get from those clients will be much better than the Fiver. The reason for this is that you have that client.

Freelancer, what are you doing on Fiverr? You are going to the client with your service and giving him the authority to say whether you want to do less than me or not, but what you are doing is self-branding, and uploading the content through his direct client. By motivating you and he expects you to do his work or on top of that, you can charge the price as per your choice, then pay you more money. Therefore self-branding is very important.

Important For You That


Looking at marketing, your skill is your product and you have not taken a contract with any platform to sell it that they will sell your skill on your behalf. A marketplace like Fiverr Now has been created so that traders and buyers can be matched, a right filer should be placed in front of the right client, but because this market has now become so saturated, the algorithms are becoming more and more complex. And it is very difficult for a new person to get orders there, in such a situation, it is your responsibility to sell your product, your service is your product, if you want to sell it yourself then you will have to do marketing for it, learn social media marketing, write on YouTube. Take Facebook. If you spend these two hours, you will not feel like becoming a leopard but you will have to learn so much that you can improve your skill.

Make Self-branding

Used within the power of link again self-branding. But I have kept it in a separate point so that I can tell you guys that it is a very important platform. You cannot compare it with Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube at all.
Don’t do this, if you are a freelancer, you have sent your services, then brother, look here, the person who has to come to you on Fiverr and give you the order, right now his company is written, the tax manager is already present on all the LinkedIn, approach you. But how can you create your profile? If you don’t know how to get your profile ranked. Please search on Google or YouTube. You can find out it.

Remember, LinkedIn is very different from Facebook and Instagram. There you will have to maintain professionalism. But if you spend one and a half hours learning this platform, you will reduce it. Brother, I belong to you. This is of great benefit to you.

The final shot is your portfolio on your website. Your weight is very important. Almost ninety out of every hundred finance companies will not find their website. Whatever new philosophers come, especially their website. Not does he have any social media presence? Neither does anyone of theirs.
They have a website and after giving them a Fiverr link, it is theirs and the day they open their account, the platform people give it to them. This happens from hero to hero within a second. If this doesn’t happen to you then create your portfolio site. Working on the Fiverr. List your services on the page of your website. And whatever testimonial your client gives you, upload it on your website.

Some Of The Special Tips of Fiverr

Also, list it and you have to link the website with all your social media. You will not be allowed to share that on Fiverr. No, you will not do it there because your contact details are there but you have added it on the side on your social media platform. Have to give it to you so that it gets traffic on the side and can link directly with you if you want or not.

Now what you do is that you give it there for your gig but one thing that you have to do is that you have to put Facebook’s pixel and Google tag manager and you have to put Google tag there so that whatever traffic When comes to your website, you can analyze it Another great thing you can do is that you put an email sign form there and above. it will say you signed up for the email, I will give you a ten percent discount, and now you have sent the email and posted it on his email.

The open code for a ten percent discount is gone. Now whether they order from you, whether they order from you, whether they order from you, they will tell you the coupon code, and you will get ten percent off because you know that this is my website but because of this you have got his email, this is the thing in me, brother. And whether you lose Fiverr or not, you have your tension client’s email. You can approach him anytime.

So brother, see how many benefits there are of having your website. So this was in today’s article that you guys must have liked. Please share this article as soon as possible. Comment and tell us which one was your favorite and which one you have applied to now. Take care Bye Bye

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